Flobo Floppy Bad Sector Repair 2.0
Free   445 KB

Flobo Floppy Bad Sector Repair 2.0

Free It is a tool especially designed and developed to repair Floppies
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Flobo Recovery, Inc.
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
Free   445 KB

Flobo Floppy Bad Sector Repair is a tool especially designed and developed to repair the Floppies. It is a totally different type of software then any other floppy repairing tool. Unlike other softwares it does not mark the bad areas of floppy as bad sector. Even it does not hide any bad sector in the file system. As its name suggest, it is a floppy bad sector repair tool. It actually repairs bad sectors of the floppy. It can repair bad sectors if the area of sectors is not physically damaged due to scratches or due to some other reasons. Mostly magnetic disks have incorrectly magnetized disk surface and Flobo’s Floppy Bad Sector Repair restore them to recover bad sectors and it does not hide them in file system because hiding can make a floppy disk accessible but it does not recover the space wasted due to bad sector. So if a tool hides the bad sectors in a file system then it reduces the total capacity of the floppy, therefore it is not a perfect solution to recover and repair bad sectors of a floppy. But with Flobo Floppy bad sector it is possible to restore the bad sectors. Before scanning and repairing the floppy for bad sectors you can check its geometry to know about the floppy.

MG Senior editor
Manoj Goel
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • It is a Freeware
  • Provide Geometry of the floppy
  • Simple and easy interface


  • Has limited features
  • Very slow process

Comments (3)

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rating Will
Only floppy utility that low-level formats the surface and is very successful at eliminating bad sectors. Slow but effective except in a small percentage of cases.

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In order to prevent any misunderstanding, this piece of software has focus on saving the floppy disk media itself, not the information written on it, i.e. it destroys the data in order to save the disk space.

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How long does the process usually take if you know?

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  • Flobo floppy bad sector repair
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  • Flobo floppy bad sector repair 1.0
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